Managers, Marketing, Organizing, Practice Owners, Revenue, Social Media Marketing, Stress Reduction, Veterinary Management

Creating Content for Your Practice

Where do I even begin?  I don’t have time for this! Ugh!

Yes, you do! It can be done with a few easy tips and with some programs you probably already have!  It does seem overwhelming to start out creating content for your social media pages but after a little sweat equity, you can do it.

Often brands (that’s your business or practice) posts pictures that are cute but maybe not the best representation of the image you are going for.

Sadly, I’ve seen more than a few posts from practices that have taken pictures in action and they missed the really bad background image of someone expressing anal glands… or wrestling a dog during a nail trim…or the big pile of trash on the floor from the latest ER.

We all know that these events are a reality in most practices and we can’t be pristine at all times.  Emergencies are dirty work, so are anal gland expressions.  Posting them for the world to see isn’t ideal though.

So we have to work on content that maybe not as much about our practice in action but the actions we want our audience to see and know about us taking.  A great example of this is when a practice shares another post from the local humane society advertising their next event! Great PR, great exposure for the humane society and your practice is socially aware and active.  That’s a win-win.  You didn’t take any pictures, you just shared! It’s called curating content.  You shared someone else’s post, they get credit but so do you!

Creating content is a great way to engage your clients and get them watching what you are up to social media! Clients will remember you when they need their pet seen and that is what it is all about.  Generating revenue from your efforts on social media.

Creating content is done in lots and lots of ways.  You can create a blog post much like this one.  Other forms of content could be Memes, GIFs, Pictures, Videos, Infographics, Case Studies, Testimonials from Clients, News/Practice Updates, Shared Events, etc.

Social Media Content Platforms
This image was found on Free to use! Check them out!

I use some easily accessible programs for creating and managing my content.  I am a small business owner and I don’t have vast amounts of marketing money to throw at this much like you.

My favorite content creation programs are:– Free and easy to use.  Design program for all sorts of posts.  Most images are licensed for reuse.  The math is already done for you.  You just have to pick an image and add text! Easy.

Powerpoint-We all know powerpoint.  I use it to create slides that become posts.  I also use it to make videos! It’s not simple but it is easy once you learn it.  You can get as complicated or as simple as you want.

Pixabay– This site is awesome. Lots of images and videos FREE to use! It’s the mother load.

Unsplash– Another graphics site for free images that can be used to create posts.

Pickit Free Images Add-on-within powerpoint you can add an extension call Pickit Free Images.  This allows you to upload free images right into your slides (aka Content).  It’s pretty awesome! There is a site as well but there is a membership fee for this. a cool site for icons.  It has tons and tons of icons that can be used in content. You will have to look to see the licensing status to see if the icon you want can be used commercially or if you need to purchase a license.  If you do, it’s pretty darn affordable and definitely not anything to be scared of.


I hope this helps you get an idea of where to start looking to create your amazing content! Sometimes just taking the first step gets it going… You’ll be amazed at what you can create.

stay tuned

I’ll be sharing my content calendar ideas as well as my favorite content organizers …soon!  I hope you enjoyed this post and found it helpful.

I’m here for questions or if you’d like to discuss how I can help you with your social media marketing.  I’m happy to train and coach you on how to do it yourself or manage your social media program for you! You let me know what you need!


Warmest Regards,





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